Representing Personal Injury Victims in Orange, CA and Surrounding Areas

Accidents Lawyer Moses Yneges, at The Accident Injury Law Center, understands that sometimes accidents happen, often due to no fault of your own. While this can be a disturbing thought, it is reassuring to know that the law protects the rights of the innocent, which includes people who have been harmed as a result of another’s careless actions.

Mr. Yneges protects those who have been injured. You deserve zealous and informed personal injury representation to maximize your claim’s potential value.

Need Help with Your Legal Matter?

Call (714) 591-0661 to speak to a lawyer.

Get the Services of a Personal Accidents Lawyer Ready to Fight for YOU

Attorney Moses Yneges and TAILC receive many referrals from previous clients and other attorneys, and for a good reason. Mr. Yneges is known for delivering exceptional results for accident victims of all kinds. With experience and compassion, Mr. Yneges strives to provide you with the highest-quality legal representation available. He puts your best interests first as he listens to the details of your case. Whether you have been injured in a car accident, truck accident, or some other type of incident, a personal accidents lawyer, Mr. Yneges wants to talk to you.

Accidents Lawyer in Orange County, CA

Best Accidents Lawyer in Orange County, CA

Call or meet with Mr. Yneges at TAILC, and he can review the details of your case to determine if factors are present for a strong claim. Details to look for include poor vehicle maintenance, driver error, and negligence that led to your accident. By discussing your case with you, we can potentially move forward to get you the compensation you deserve for your injuries, medical bills, and loss of income. You and your family deserve the best personal injury representation in the Orange County area. Call now to speak to Attorney Moses Yneges and let him be your strongest ally during this difficult time.

Ready to file a claim for your traumatic injury? Call Mr. Yneges at TAILC for a free consultation

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Have you been injured and was it someone else’s fault?

Call (714) 591-0661 now to speak to an attorney for free.

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